What makes a good leader?
A leader leads. ‘Duh’, you say. But is it really that simple?
My father, a career military officer and Viet Nam war veteran told me once that ‘leaders stand out front and lead, they do not stand behind and push’. That phrase has always stuck with me, and has been applicable in many areas of my life.
Leaders lead.
They care about their people.
They treat them with respect and honor, even the ones they do not necessarily like, or disagree with.
Leaders lead all types of people, not just the ones that are like them.
Leaders earn respect, they do not just demand it.
Leaders don’t deserve anything, they work hard for it.
Leaders don’t have all of the glory, they have all of the problems.
Leaders must be fair.
Leaders must be giving.
Leaders are not controlling.
They are not out for their own gain.
They put the feelings and needs of others first, even to the point of sacrifice on their own part.
Good leaders care more for the persons under their watch than they do for themselves.
Leaders work harder than anyone else. They are the first to show up and the last to leave.
Leaders do not look for the spotlight, it finds them -often unwanted.
Leaders are humble.
They are kind to all.
Good leaders are good listeners. They know that they need the support of their peers to formulate their responses. No one on this earth has all of the answers.
Good leaders are not jealous of others.
Leaders see the good in everyone.
Good leaders know they are just one part of a machine, and without the other parts, they would be nothing.
Leaders bring out the best in others, thereby making their own light shine through someone else.
Good leaders challenge others to do their best. They do not challenge based on their own fear or insecurity.
They are not afraid.
They are courageous in the face of adversity.
Leaders encourage growth and change
Leaders do not judge or criticize. They teach and guide.
They are the same to everyone, not two-faced.
Leaders are able to say the words, “I was wrong”, and “I’m sorry” when they need to.
Our best example of a good leader is Jesus. He came to teach, and show us a better way. He came to challenge us to change, and be the best we can be. He did so by example. He cared for the people he came to save, including the ones that rejected Him. And He sacrificed, not only in coming here and teaching, confronting the religious establishment, but in the giving of his very own life for the sake of our salvation. That is a leader I will follow all the way to my own grave.
What kind of leader are you?
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Loretta Sinclair
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