Now, I am all for equal rights. Christ died for everyone - every single person that has ever lived, or ever will live until life, as we know it, comes to an end. We are all made exactly the same. We put our pants on the same way, walk, talk, and breathe the same. No one is any better or worse than anybody else. Nobody. That being said:
I do not support Gay Marriage. Why? Because marriage is not a right, it is a rite. A ritual. The reason I do not support it: Separation of church and State.
Marriage is not a right for anyone, Christian or not, gay or straight. It is not a civil right. It is not a human right. It is not a right in any way. In fact, it is a ritual of the church, dating back thousands of years. It is a celebration of the relationship ordained by God between a man and a woman. It has nothing to do with healthcare or taxes. That is what we, here in the United States, have changed it to.
I am all for Equal Rights, for everyone - whether I agree with their lifestyle or not. I believe everyone should have the right to equal taxes, equal healthcare, equal rights for partners in hospital emergency rooms, equality for everyone in every situation, JUST DON'T BASTARDIZE MY RELIGION TO DO IT!
So, my question is, why do people want to participate in a ritual that they are not part of a religion they are practicing?
My solution: Make a clear distinction between a church sanctioned marriage, and a civil union. If is not performed by a priest or pastor, is not supported by the church, and is not part of the religious community, then it is not a marriage. It is a civil union. Make all of the same benefits available to the civil union as there are to a marriage, but for legal purposes - a Marriage is sanctified by the church, and a civil union is performed by a government agency. That way the government is not telling any church who they can and cannot marry, the gay community has all of the same rights as everyone else, and the sanctity of Marriage and the rites of the church are protected.
What's the down side?
Until next time,
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Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!