"My Grace is sufficient for you."
We all have thorny things in our lives; complicated relationships; financial worries, job stresses, not enough of us to go around, depression, disease, the list is endless.
Do I want God to take away those thorny patches in my life. Yes I do. I have asked him to do that, but then I am always reminded of His Grace.
His Grace gets me through the toughest days. His Grace shows me mercy when I do not deserve it. His Grace leads the way through the darkest night. And His Grace shows me love when I need it the most.
But there's more.
We are all put on this earth for a reason. We have a purpose to fulfill in God's plan. There is something that we, and we alone can and should do. If we don't do it, then it will be put onto another person, or left undone. Let's think about that for a minute.
Is that thorny relationship your reason for being here? To lead them and show them a better way?
Is that financial crisis to show others God's strength? Showing them how to depend on God and not ourselves.
Is that disease process to allow you to show the toughest critics of God what it is like to receive His love and blessing?
Turn that frown upside down! Are these things we see as burdens and thorns actually opportunities, and chances to lead others to Christ? Is this our purpose here? Is this the job that God gave us that we complain about daily? Are we letting God down when we tell him we don't want to do something that we were sent here to do.
The night Christ was betrayed, He knew what was coming. He asked God to take that away. He was so stressed He sweat blood. But then He said, "not my will, but thine." And he walked into the destiny that only He could fulfill.
When life gets thorny, remember this example, and tell God, "not my will, but thine, Lord".
Life is all about perspective. Do you need to adjust yours? I have.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!