Not completely, but some days that is what it feels like. People at home need things. When they don't get it they complain. People at work need things. When they don't get it they complain. Neighbors complain. People at the grocery store complain. I see road rage on the freeways. I see fights on TV. I hear about fights at the schools. Everyone wants more than what they have, or can reasonably get.
And then the blame starts. I can't have what I want because you won't -- blah, blah, blah. I won't be able to (insert desire) because you never -- blah, blah, blah... Everything is always someone else's fault. And if you don't fight back, it will be yours. You become the target. You can turn the other cheek, but in some cases you can end up feeling like you are getting the snot beat out of you over and over again. And for what?
In the wolf pack there is an Alpha male. That is the dominant wolf that runs the pack. He grows from a litter of pups into the the leader of the pack, and all other wolves of that pack fall into line beneath him. There are challenges to this domination during the wolf's teenage years, but the wolf that grows into the strongest becomes the leader. Others follow him because he is the strongest, and supposedly the smartest.
But what about the Omega?
In the wild, there is also the Omega wolf. This is the wolf that is considered the least of the males of the pack. He is possibly the weakest, or the one that puts up the least amount of fight. He is considered the least important of all the other wolves. He is the scapegoat for everything that happens. When the other wolves need to take out their aggression on someone or something, the omega is their target. They gang up and attack him - never really hurting him physically, but always letting him know where his place is - at the end of the pack. He is the scapegoat for everything. He takes the heat for everything. He serves a purpose for the rest of the pack. By him being made to be weak, the others feel like they are strong. Often the Omega will break off and go form his own pack if the punishment is too severe, or he finally has just had enough of being beaten up on his entire life.
People do this too. One dominant person in a group will just take charge, putting themselves in charge of any given situation. that person will fight and challenge those around them, and continue that relentless fight until they are in a secure position, no longer challenged. Often, this person does not take care of their pack once their dominance is established. Because of sin in the world, this turns into a position of abuse and punishment.
There is almost always an Omega person too. The person the alpha and the others challenge. They blame that person for everything that happens, beat up on them relentlessly - if not physically then emotionally, never ceasing to let that person know that they do not measure up. They are in the position of being the weakest of the pack, and they are always reminded of that fact. The others will never back down, or even try to see things from that person's position. Once that perceived domination is established, then the weakest will never measure up.
But is an omega weak, or is an Omega really strong?
God is both the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the End. This is in all senses of the word. He is both the greatest leader, and the least of the pack. He is the one that gets all the glory, and the one that gets beaten up on the most. By humbling himself to come to earth for us sinners, God the Alpha then became God the Omega in Christ Jesus.
So the next time you find yourself in the position of being in the company of negativity and everyone is blaming you for everything, remember the Omega. When you are blamed for everything that is wrong, remember Christ took the blame for all of us. And when you are attacked for the wrongs of others, think about Christ on the cross. he became the ultimate Omega so we can survive for all eternity. In His weakness we are all made strong.
No matter what happens in this life, we are in good company. We have both the Alpha and the Omega with us always.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!