The hatred that I have seen, and felt sometimes, is the result of another person's action. There is an action, and a reaction.
Someone hurts you (action) - you hate them (reaction).
Something happens to you (action) and no one can fix it for you - hate comes (reaction).
You are told (action) that another group is evil and deserving of your hate, so you do (reaction).
Hatred is most often directed at another person, deserving or not. So what happens when that person is n0 longer around? Does the hate diminish? Not unless you can let it go. You simply find another target. Perhaps a colleague or friend of your hate. Someone that reminds you of them. Anybody that makes you angry. Or, yourself, for not having done more to avenge yourself while they were still around. Hanging onto hate is deadly. It will take on a life of its own and consume you until you choose to get rid of it. It is a choice.
Often times people think that revenge can clear that hatred. It does not. If anything it grows in fire and intensity. Why? Because we have taken matters into our own hands. We no longer need God because we can take care of it ourselves.
So what's the answer? Forgiveness. Not for the person that wronged you. In all likelihood they don't feel they need it. They will not even admit that they did anything wrong. No. Forgiveness is for you. So that you can let that person go and move on with your life.
Lewis B Smedes said: "Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free, only to discover that the prisoner was you."
Don't ruin the rest of your life on someone who didn't care enough to treat you like a human being. Let them go to where they belong. Let the hate go, and learn to love your life again. It's what Jesus wants.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!