And guess what? He wants that for you too. It's a free gift. There are no strings or hidden agendas. There is nothing to buy, and no long term contracts. It won't cost more than you have, or could ever make. All the great God of the Universe wants is for us to acknowledge that He is God, He created us, and accept His love and love Him back.
That's it.
I know. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? It seems too simple. But we humans tend to overthink, over complicate, and make a mess of everything. That's probably why it is precisely that simple. So we can't screw it up.
So give it a try. See what happens. The world will become a lighter, sunnier, happier place. Your burdens won't matter as much, and your sorrows will lift.
Find a good Bible Based, Christ Centered church and visit. If you don't feel at home, try another one. And another one. There's a spiritual home for you out there. When you find it you will feel it. It's when you will feel God.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!