Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you;
or, Do unto others BECAUSE they did unto you. Just do it!
Let's face it. We live in a dog-eat-dog world. It's every man for himself. The one with the most toys when he dies, wins. Keep up with me, or get out of my way - that is if I haven't run over you in the first place. You can be my friend as long as you do what I want you to do. Just don't try to have an opinion around me.
Did you know that the Golden Rule isn't actually in the Bible. It is a man-made sentiment, which is why is is open to man's interpretations. However, if we were to apply Biblical principles, how about:
Do Unto Others Because of what Christ did for you.
Think about it. Let's all learn how to play Follow the Leader - except instead of electing a leader, let's all follow the one who gave the most for us long before we were ever born.
See life differently.
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Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Jesus is my Life Coach!