Several things to note here. First, the thoughts of William Shakespeare come to mind. "Thou doth protest too much." Is there anything in this life that is worth the lives of your loved ones? Are you willing to sacrifice your own mother's life, just to be right? Why so over the top? That begs a very big question: Is it really true?
Second, that is a very dangerous statement. God is real, ladies and gentlemen. And so is His adversary. God hears and sees all, and so does the enemy. How would you feel if you lost one of those people around that time.
No, I don't believe that uttering those words will instantly cause that person's death. Nor do I believe that anyone who says that ever convinces the other party of their truth. It is a dramatic ploy on your emotions designed to throw the focus off the real issue. But why chance fate? Think of all the times in the Bible where the enemy tormented people. Why risk it? Is what you're trying to prove, or protect worth the price that you just uttered?
Gambler's Anonymous tells people that they should never bet something that they do not have, or can't afford to lose. The same thing applies here. This is a bet you are making with the lives of your family. Deep down inside, you are the only one who can answer this: Is what you're trying to protect really a lie?
The book of James tells us that words are a very powerful weapon, not to be abused, or thrown around lightly. They have real power. They can tear down, or build up. But most importantly, they are not to be thrown around without regard, or worse yet, to defend something that is not true.
Choose your words wisely, and with love.
Think it.
Dream it.
Do it.
And encourage each other on the way.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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