Yeah, me neither.
Why can we not leave well enough alone? Why do we have to push things, and then be surprised when the world crashes in on us?
Does it really crash, or do we just think it does? Lately I have been learning to see things differently... almost through God's eyes, if that's possible.
When a change needs to happen, and we are complacent then we need a boot in the right direction. So why do we still fight the boot? Because there is comfort in the known. There is peace in complacency. But God didn't call us to be complacent. I am not on this earth to be comfortable. In fact, just the opposite. I am to reach outside of my comfort zone for Him.
Paul, arguably one of the greatest disciples, although he did not think so, experienced this too. You see, none of the original disciples trusted him after his conversion - and reasonably so since he persecuted them so maliciously beforehand. So he joined up with a companion named Barnabas. They traveled and preached together for a good long time. But when it came time to separate, they apparently did not want to. Scripture tells us that a great argument occurred causing them to separate. God had other things in mind for them. He wanted them out of their comfort zone. They were not to stay together, but branch out on their own - out of their complacent places.
And what happens when you fight God. When you argue your point and tell the great and only God of the Universe what is best for you (in your own infinite knowledge and experience).
Well, let me tell you... sometimes you get a message that goes something like:
"Shut Your Big Fat Pie Hole! I got this covered. Trust me. And Follow Me."
Don't ask me how I know this!
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!